Achieving sky-high quality standards with AS9100

Recently, when we were audited for our AS9100 quality standard, something happened at Garner Osborne that made us realise what an outstanding team we have here.
It wasn’t a team building challenge. And it wasn’t winning the Investment in Training Award, from West Berkshire Training Consortium. It was bigger than that. And smaller too.
The AS9100 highlighted the consistent focus on quality applied by each of our team members, working together every day to deliver outstanding levels of expertise in our PCB design and manufacturing.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise, but it was.
You see, we cherry pick each team member for their skills and the traits that make good technicians. We look for attention to detail, resilience and determination in our team members.
But this isn’t just because we want to be the best in PCB fabrication. These personality traits are essential because with the clients we work with, such as the aeronautical industry, there’s no room for error.
When you have a global client list that includes aviation customers, each dependent on the reliability of every single component for the well-being and safety of hundreds of people, well that focuses the mind a little.
The average plane contains literally hundreds of printed circuit boards. They control everything from the on-board entertainment, comfort and oxygen levels to the flight controls and communications equipment. It’s essential that every component is robust and reliable. And that requires a team that is both highly skilled and diligent.