PCB manufacturer News & Insights - Garner Osborne

Chinese New Year is Nearly Upon Us | Garner Osborne

Written by GarnerOsborne | Apr 15, 2017 2:21:48 PM

Chinese New Year is a major event across China and the only holiday which prompts a complete shutdown of all business including imports, exports, manufacturing and even the stock market! This is to allow everyone to travel home and spend time with their families.

The next CNY officially begins on the Tuesday 5th & 6th February 2019. However, traditionally celebration starts much earlier and finishes later – around 23 days in total. With this in mind be prepared for CNY to affect business for around three weeks.

How will my business be affected?

Despite being given the ‘heads up’ it is still wise to exercise caution! As CNY approaches, production is often increased to try and minimise a back log and this can sometimes create quality issues. After the New Year, staff turnover can be high, so during the transition of staff leaving and new staff being trained, this could also affect the quality and quantity received.

When placing an order in the UK, you will be informed of any shortages prior to despatch. This provides an opportunity to either close your order short or have any shortages remade. When an order is placed offshore and there are shortages, often this will not become apparent until your goods arrive. Only then is it possible to decide whether or not to have them remade. If your PCBs have been booked in for production or are due out to your customer, this will create a loss for your business and potentially your reputation.

When should I plan for 2019?

It is never too early to plan ahead! Typically, factories will start to close down around 2 weeks before CNY and will not open again fully until 2 weeks after.

If possible, look at your forecast for the year and aim to place any orders late summer/ beginning of Autumn. This allows enough time to have your boards made to an acceptable standard and delivered with minimal disruption. If any problems do occur, there is still time to have them rectified before the CNY kicks off.

Unfortunately, a lot of companies are unable to forecast, with orders being determined by the rise and fall of oil & gas prices. In this instance, talk to a UK PCB Manufacturer or broker and they will be able to offer advice on the best solution for you.

Those who need scheduled drops every month without fail would benefit using a UK PCB Manufacturer or broker during this time. They will be able to gather offshore quotes, place your order, inspect your boards upon arrival in the UK and manage any shortages for you. Your boards will be stored in the correct conditions and shipped out to you as per your schedule without delay. It would also be easier to amend any schedule dates if needed as all boards would be stored on the premises, making same day delivery achievable if necessary, for those last-minute orders.